08 April 2021
AMS-IX has reached a new traffic milestone. Yesterday evening around 22:00 PM AMS-IX measured a traffic peak of 10,012 Terabit per second.
Internet traffic is surging for some time now due to the pandemic. Governments all over the world are taking lockdown measures restricting people’s movements and forcing them to work from home and spend their evenings indoors. In March and November last year, AMS-IX reached the milestones of 8 and 9 Terabit per second. The curfew and the bad weather in the Netherlands have led to this new traffic peak of 10 Terabit per second. Many connected networks have upgraded their port capacity to handle extra traffic volume.
“The pandemic has resulted in Internet growth that makes us go back to the end of the 90s. Last year Internet volume exchanged over AMS-IX grew over 35% and we see the same pattern for this year. We live in uncertain times, but you can be sure that Internet traffic keeps on growing.”
AMS-IX is well capable of handling the traffic growth and is even able to handle traffic volume if it was the double over night. Moreover, AMS-IX invested in the capacity of the platform and added more 100G-ports. The platform currently has a port-capacity that enables 42 Terabit per second. Over 885 networks are connected to the Amsterdam interconnection hub, 75% of them are of European origin.
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