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IX-API is now live




26 January 2020

Following the announcement, presentation and live demonstration during EPF14, AMS-IX is excited to announce that the IX-API service is now live.

IX-API is an open community API, designed and developed by the three leading global Internet Exchanges (IXs): AMS-IX, DE-CIX and LINX. The API provides an interface for provisioning key services at all three exchanges. More information on the project can be found on the IX-API website.

By bringing the IX-API live, we now provide an interface that supports end-to-end automated processes and enables networks to configure, change and cancel services. Connecting to AMS-IX, DE-CIX and LINX through the IX-API is standardized and by that easier and more efficient. In addition, the IX-API will provide more self-management options for users.

“This is a very important project for us as it shows that IXs and their partners can collaborate and work together on one common standard,” says AMS-IX CTO Henk Steenman. “This API makes it easier for IX partners to interface in a standardized, automated way with the IXs, resulting in a better experience for the customers when they connect to an IX.”

Benefits for IX-API customers

  • Ability to easily configure, change and cancel IX services at multiple IXs without any human interaction
  • Accelerated speed of configuration, changes and cancellations of IX services from days to minutes
  • Reachable 24 x 7 x 365
  • More cost-efficiency due to less required effort per transaction
  • More transparency of the service due to instant feedback
  • Integration of IX service in customers’ portals
  • Reduced implementation costs due to offering a single API language to multiple IXs

Supported features

  • Authentication in the API
  • Overview of customer contracts
  • Option to create a new customer contract and add customer contact information to it
  • Overview of enabled physical ports
  • Option to create a new MAC address under a customer contract
  • Overview of all VLANs available at AMS-IX, DE-CIX and LINX
  • Option to create a new virtual link for their customer and add a previously created MAC to it
  • Provision a newly created virtual link
  • Overview of all available route servers at AMS-IX, DE-CIX and LINX
  • Enable route server peering for a provisioned virtual link
  • Overview of customers’ virtual links
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The API is momentarily only available for resellers. Later this year the IX-API will be available for internet service providers, content delivery networks, carriers and other IXs. Resellers that want to make use of IX-API can test the API by making use of the joint external IX-API sandbox.

Pre-requisites to use IX-API

  • Signed Reseller Agreement
  • Preconfigured physical reseller port(s) on IX’s side
  • Precreated reseller's API-user
  • Operational route server(s) on IX’s side

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