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Neutral debate overview on the use of end-to-end encryption


Alex de Joode

Alex de Joode

Regulatory, Risk, Compliance

10 November 2021

AMS-IX and ECP| platform voor de InformatieSamenleving have published a neutral and complete debate overview with all the arguments for and against the use of end-to-end encryption by over-the-top service providers and an obligation to decrypt for investigative authorities. Politicians and opinion makers can use the overview to weigh arguments and come to a well founded position.

The overview called 'Argumentenkaart inperking encryptie' has been made by The Argumentation Factory and has been funded by ECP and AMS-IX. The Argumentation Factory organised several knowledge sessions in which multiple governmental bodies, academics, NGO's and private companies participated. The result is a neutral and complete overview of all arguments that can be put forward in the discussion. Neutral since there is no hierarchy or weight given to the arguments. And complete because it contains every single argument in the discussion.

The topic of the 'Argumentenkaart' is the discussion around the use of end-to-end encryption for over-the-top services like WhatsApp and iMessage. Companies use end-to-end encryption to secure communication between users of these services and as a result can't read the private communication either. Criminal investigators would like to be able to tap communication if there is suspicion of criminal activities. The matter is currently under discussion with the Dutch ministry of security and justice.

Peter van Burgel, CEO of AMS-IX: “Digitalisation has influence and effect on every aspect or our society so it is of great importance that we have good discussion on how our digital society should look like. That is quite a challenge, since it is a complex topic and not everyone has the same technical background. With debate overviews like these, we would like to give everyone the opportunity to hear all sides, making sure that every voice is heard."

>> Download (in Dutch) Argumentenkaart

>> Download (in English) Argument Map

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