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AMS-IX: worldwide internet milestones in 2024




24 February 2025

Celebrating 30 Years of Innovation and Growth

This year marks our 30th anniversary at AMS-IX, and what a year it has been! We’ve seen global internet traffic reach incredible new heights, with a record-breaking peak of 14 Terabits per second (Tbps) in December. Alongside these milestones, we’ve continued to expand internationally, strengthening our connected ecosystem and driving innovation to support a better internet for societies across the globe.

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Internet growth

Total global traffic volume increased with 500% in the past decade, reaching 34 Exabyte in 2024. Our new locations abroad also experienced a steady growth in internet traffic, driven by increasingly digital economies and societies worldwide. Following this trend, our Internet Exchange in Lagos, opened in 2023, saw internet traffic grow with 200% to a peak of almost 100 Gbps in its first year.

Peak traffic

At our Amsterdam hub, we clocked no less than 3 traffic peaks in 2024, starting with 12 Tbps in February and reaching a new high of 14 Tbps in December. This new record is a sign of the increasing demand for internet connectivity as digital activities such as remote work, online shopping, streaming, online gaming and the use of AI continue to surge worldwide. 14 Tbps is an incredible amount of data traffic and is the equivalent of 7.5 million people watching TikTok videos simultaneously, or 63 million people playing Fortnite at once.

The increased internet traffic is resulting in members and customers of AMS-IX to increase their infrastructures. In 2024, members and customers opted for eleven times as many 400G ports in 2024 (23) compared to 2023 (2). The increased number of 400 G ports is being driven by the ever-growing demand for connectivity and bandwidth, fuelled by an increasing digitalised worldwide economy, rising video streaming, AI adoption and (online) gaming demands.

Global Digital Ecosystem

Our ecosystem in 2024 grew to 1,227 connected parties in 70 countries worldwide. Companies such as Meta, Microsoft, Vodafone, Tik Tok, Netflix, Google and many more connect to our platforms to exchange internet traffic. With launching two new Internet Exchanges in Oman and Djibouti, the number of locations owned or powered by AMS-IX grew to 16 locations, boosting connectivity around the globe.

Peter van Burgel, CEO of AMS-IX says:

“In the past thirty years, AMS-IX has continued to grow connectivity worldwide, playing a crucial part in building better societies through a better internet. We have seen our home hub, Amsterdam, grow into a main digital hub in Europe and are happy to see key regions around the world actively investing in connectivity, driving economies and supporting communities via a safe and neutral internet. Now that the world is becoming ever-increasing digital, use of AI is rapidly rising and online-driven innovations are opening up a world of possibilities, I am looking forward to seeing the growing value we will continue to add to societies and internet in the next thirty years.”

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