08 April 2021
“The pandemic has resulted in Internet growth that makes us go back to the end of the 90s. Last year Internet volume exchanged over AMS-IX grew over 35% and we see the same pattern for this year. We live in uncertain times, but you can be sure that Internet traffic keeps on growing.”
AMS-IX is well capable of handling the traffic growth and is even able to handle traffic volume if it was the double over night. Moreover, AMS-IX invested in the capacity of the platform and added more 100G-ports. The platform currently has a port-capacity that enables 42 Terabit per second. Over 885 networks are connected to the Amsterdam interconnection hub, 75% of them are of European origin.
AMS-IX is well capable of handling the traffic growth and is even able to handle traffic volume if it was the double over night. Moreover, AMS-IX invested in the capacity of the platform and added more 100G-ports. The platform currently has a port-capacity that enables 42 Terabit per second. Over 885 networks are connected to the Amsterdam interconnection hub, 75% of them are of European origin.
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