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sFlow available in AMS-IX.me




17 December 2021

We’re happy to announce that we have successfully introduced sFlow statistics in our AMS-IX.me community portal.

sFlow statistics provide insight into traffic patterns among peers connected to AMS-IX Amsterdam. It is a valuable tool that will help AMS-IX customers manage and monitor their connections. Next to sFlow, the AMS-IX.me development team also improved the contract management user journey and order management. New portal guides have been added to the portal for an optimal customer experience.

AMS-IX launched its new community portal last year and since then there is a team of dedicated developers that incrementally introduces and adds new features, products and functionalities to the platform. The new AMS-IX.me community portal will eventually replace the old my.ams-ix portal for all AMS-IX exchanges globally.

You can find a link to AMS-IX.me here.

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