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19.86 Gb/s
124.31 Gb/s

How to connect

How to connect

There are two simple ways to connect to AMS-IX.

Connect directly

You can connect to AMS-IX directly at any of the locations where we have a presence. Just follow the easy steps below.

What do you need to do to join us?

  1. Request an Autonomous System Number (ASN) from a Local or Regional Internet Registry: RIPE-NCC, APNIC, LACNIC, ARIN.
  2. Fill-in your application form* and order a connection in our customer portal (under the ‘Connections’ tab).
  3. Sign a Connection Agreement.

Connect remotely at one of our EasyAccess locations

You can also connect to AMS-IX remotely from 200+ locations in Europe. We will take care of the IP transport for you.

What do you need to do to join us via Megaport?

  1. Sign up for an account / Sign in at megaport.al
  2. Create a megaport in one of the locations already enabled
  3. Add a virtual cross connect to AMS-IX and have that deployed in 59 seconds

To see this in action take a look here for a detailed video walkthrough.

Connect remotely via a partner

Last but not least, you can connect to AMS-IX from 500+ locations worldwide via one of our partners.

What do you need to do to join us via PacketFabric

  1. Sign up for / Sign in at PacketFabric portal
  2. Order AMS-IX peering service
  3. You will be redirected to our customer portal where you can complete your order form
  4. After provisioning, you will be ready to peer at AMS-IX

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