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Help me choose

AMS-IX is in the process of replacing my.ams-ix by a new customer portal, namely AMS-IX.me. Ultimately, we will service all our customers via AMS-IX.me. But during the transition phase, we will have both portals running in parallel.

So which portal should you choose?

For new customers (after 15/12/2020)

If you are new to AMS-IX and would like to connect to our Amsterdam platform and order Internet Peering, GRX or Anti-DDoS services, please sign up via AMS-IX.me.

If you are new to AMS-IX and would like to peer at any other location than Amsterdam or if you want to use any other service than Peering, GRX or Anti-DDoS (Private Interconnect, Cloud Access, I-IPX, MMS Data Exchange, or Closed User Group), please sign up via my.AMS-IX.

If you are still unsure about which portal you should pick or if you have additional questions, contact our sales team.

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