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10.447 Tb/s
14.073 Tb/s

Market your data safely

Our Closed User Group service enables organisations, with common interconnection and data exchange requirements, to drive innovations of the digital economy for public and commercial benefits securely.

Your pains

  • You are used to utilising the public and open Internet to exchange sensitive and proprietary data.
  • You have to comply with the pan-European, country- and industry-wide regulations with regard to data integrity and confidentiality.

Your gains

  • The data You exchange with clients, suppliers or partners circulates strictly within the Closed User Group: You only decide with whom to interact and under which market conditions.
  • You make data conditionally available and accessible to communities that drive innovations of the digital economy You benefit from.

Our solution

The Closed User Group enables Your job to directly connect and exchange sensitive and proprietary data with Your clients, suppliers or partners. In a private interconnection environment outside the public Internet, by forming ruled and conditioned communities on specific* interest.

*professional, industry, regulatory, etc.

How it works for you

Closed User Groups

Value proposition

  1. Closed User Group by AMS-IX Innovation Lab.
  2. The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, it is Data. Let’s manage it as such.
  3. Set up Your sovereign rules and market conditions to exchange sensitive and proprietary data with selected counterparts in the Closed User Group that drives innovations of the digital economy You benefit from!

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