AMS-IX General Terms and Conditions.
There are two simple ways to connect to AMS-IX Djibouti.
There are two simple ways to connect to AMS-IX Lagos.
AMS-IX is involved in several cooperative projects/initiatives with external organisations, within or outside the peering industry. We highlight some of them here.
Quality Statement for all REMOTE exchanges
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How to set up your device when connecting to AMS-IX? Here are some pointers to start with. AMS-IX rules restrict the type of traffic and number of source MAC addresses that any member is allowed to send to the exchange. The AMS-IX platform is built around photonic cross connects, Layer 1 switches, which introduce short link flaps for the customers with 10GE connections when moving customer connections between Ethernet switches. This article will tell you how to prevent those flaps from influencing your session and how to configure your interface towards AMS-IX to only send allowed traffic towards the exchange.
AMS-IX Interface & cabling specifications
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