Hong Kong

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23.3 Gb/s
69.59 Gb/s


AMS-IX services price list.

Internet Peering

Monthly prices (in USD, excl. VAT/Tax, if any)

PortMonthly price
Less than 1GEN/A (via reseller only)
1GE$ 350
10GE$ 500
100GE$ 3,500

Additional information

  • Invoice frequency - on a monthly basis in arrears (post-paid), or annual in advance. If you choose an annual payment - a 3% discount will be applied. Annual billing can start at the beginning of any month and will be extended automatically every year unless requested otherwise.
  • Billing start date - billing starts at the date the port goes live (so-called 'production date') with a maximum of 30 days after the date the demarcation details have been provided (so-called 'assignment date').
  • Payment terms - 30 days from the invoice date.
  • Cross-connect fees - colocation or cross-connect fees are not included. These charges depend on where you would like to connect and are billed separately by the colocation.

Mobile peering - Inter IPX

PortMonthly price
$ 350
10GE$ 500

Private interconnect

Is your existing internet peering port in a qtagged mode? If so, the private interconnect is free of charge and is included in the port monthly charges.

Would you like to use a port dedicated to the private interconnect? If so, the internet peering port monthly charges apply.

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