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10.94 Tb/s
14.073 Tb/s
Anti Ddos


Interconnect with various providers to mitigate and combat Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
Anti Ddos

Benefits of Anti-DDoS

Multiple anti-DDoS solutions

Access to one or more DDoS mitigation providers over your existing port

Improved network performance

Protect your Internet infrastructure from threats and service disruptions


Can you handle a DDOS-attack of 900,000 RPS?

DDOS-attacks are on the rise all over Europe as Russian hacktivist groups seem keen to disrupt key industries and logistics. The attacks are growing in intensity and complexity and are challenging Europe’s digital resilience. Are you ready for a DDOS attacks that hits an intensity of almost 900,000 requests per second?

Facing DDoS challenges?

Let’s talk about how you can get the protection you need.

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